Job Summary  The Help Desk is the front line for serving the immediate needs of students, faculty, and staff.  This position works in the Help Desk alongside the Client Support Specialist and Director of Client Support.  Help Desk staff answer phone calls and emails about general technology issues. Help Desk staff log every call, email, and walk-in and must be able to maintain excellent records of each interaction. 

Required Skills  This position requires excellent communication skills, both written and verbal; a strong ability to think critically; comfort with encountering unfamiliar situations; willingness to continually learn; and strong abilities to use, troubleshoot, and explain technology. On-the-job training is a major part of this position.

Preferred Skills/Knowledge

  • Working knowledge of Microsoft Office products (Word, Excel, PPT, Office365 Tools)
  • Understanding of VPN, Remote Desktop, and network drives
  • Basic knowledge of how to troubleshoot hardware issues (laptops and mobile devices)
  • Functional knowledge of Internet browsers and how to troubleshoot browser issues

Other Details

  • Not a work-study-eligible job
  • Hours will be available for mornings, days, and evenings
  • All shifts will be a minimum of 4-hour blocks
  • Paid hourly, must be able to work more than 8 hours per week

How to Apply
1. Send an email of interest, including your name and contact information, along with any applicable experiences that would relate to the job, to the Help Desk at [email protected]

2. Complete the Skills Assessment

3. Be available for an interview

These positions are available for incoming freshmen, current freshmen, sophomores, and juniors.